Economic and Community Development Director
Vinnie Tomasulo
Ph: (970) 665-1146
Fx: (970) 285-0292
Public Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
7:30 am - 5:30 pm
Physical & Mailing Address
222 Grand Valley Way
Parachute, Co 81635
The Town of Parachute is offering a grant of up to $5,000 for the purpose of contributing to the improved physical appearance of the Town. To be eligible for the grant, the applicant must own and / or operate a licensed business within the program boundaries with grant award priority going to main business districts of the Town (see attached map). The application process will open on March 24, 2025. The application must be submitted to the Town of Parachute (email to or deliver to Town Hall) for first review by 9 am MT Monday, April 28, 2025. The first completeness review will take place administratively by town staff followed by staff recommendation to the Parachute Renewal Authority Commission for final approval.
Please contact Vinnie Tomasulo, Economic & Community Development Director prior to document submission.
Maximum Grant
A maximum grant of $5,000 per property per grant cycle
Grant Match Required
A 100% match is required; e.g., $10,000 project = $5,000 Business Match / $5,000 Town Grant
Grant Uses
Grant may only be used to enhance the exterior appearance of the commercial property (i.e. paint, siding, sidewalk, facade, landscaping, etc.)
Project Deadline
October 31, 2025
Application Checklist
1. Drawings, to scale, that show the work being done.
2. Pictures of the building in its present condition.
3. Copies of any written estimates for the building / landscaping improvements.
4. All-inclusive list of types of plants, shrubs, trees, building materials, colors, etc.
5. Detailed budget for the project in its entirety.
6. Letter of support or proof of permission from the property owner / landlord, if the applicant does not own the property
Note, in order for your application to be considered, all items on the Application Checklist must be included in your submission.
Grant Payment
Upon approval of the grant application, payment will be disbursed as a reimbursement to the applicant upon submission of a duly completed reimbursement request following project fulfillment, with the deadline set for October 31, 2025, and subject to endorsement by the Town of Parachute.
Reimbursements Requirements
1. Reimbursement requests must be completed by October 31, 2025
2. Dated receipts/invoices marked paid.
3. Copies of canceled (cashed) checks
4. Before and after pictures of the project
5. All projects must adhere to the Town of Parachute municipal code/design guidelines.
This option requires you to download the fillable application and email it along with all supporting documentation, to Vinnie Tomasulo, Economic and Community Development Director at
This option requires you to print out the application and return it along with all supporting documentation in a paper format. You can mail it in, walk it in, or drop it off in the drop box after hours at the following address Town of Parachute | Att:Vinnie Tomasulo | 222 Grand Valley Way, Parachute, CO 81635