Title 15 - Code Update Project
The Town of Parachute, in consultation with Community Planning Strategies (CPS), will soon begin the process of considering a comprehensive update of Title 15 of the Parachute Municipal Code – Land Use Regulations. The Land Use Regulations contain both substantive and procedural requirements regarding the development of land within the Town of Parachute, including zoning and subdivision regulations. The existing Land Use Regulations may be accessed at https://parachute.municipal.codes/PMC/15.
The Parachute 2022 Comprehensive Plan provides a general framework and recommendations for land use development within the Town’s jurisdiction. The Comprehensive Plan is not a regulatory document and the Plan’s recommendations and policies are implemented through adopted land use regulations.
After completion of the 2022 Comprehensive Plan, the Town directed CPS to conduct an assessment of the Land Use Regulations. After consultation with Town staff, the Planning Commission and Town Council, it has been determined that the most efficient and effective approach that will guide and regulate land development in Parachute for years to come is to complete a comprehensive rewrite of Title 15. While the provisions themselves are not the cause for this recommendation, the regulations are disorganized and lack clarity. The goal is to adopt land use regulations that are clear, concise and predictable.
The Planning Commission, as the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), will consider and review proposed Title 15 updates at regularly scheduled Planning Commission meetings, held on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Meetings are held in the Town Hall Council Chambers at 222 Grand Valley Way.
The final draft document will be considered for adoption at officially noticed public hearings before both the Planning Commission and Town Council.
Please check the Town’s website – for updated information on this important process. Please contact us should you have any questions.